Saturday 8 June 2013

(Day 3) Individual Reflection for Closing Ceremony

Hello there once again Earthlings, this is my reflections for the third day of the NTU Flagship Programme, which is also my last day here at NTU. Today, We were split up into our project groups and continued editing our pictures which will be shown to the crowd during the closing ceremony of the NTU Flagship Programme. After lunchtime, we gathered in the auditorium and waited patiently for the closing ceremony to begin. Each project group was suppose to do a presentation of what they have learnt during their applied project challenge and show some pictures or videos of what they have done. I enjoyed listening to all their presentations and were interested in what they have done and what the other projects were about. One of the presentations that i really enjoyed watching is the project 2 presentation as the people who presented were clear and confident , their presentation also has a lot of pictures and some videos about the chinese ways of medication. They seemed to have learnt a lot from the programmes they have went through. I also enjoyed my project's presentation as watching them show pictures of all our works and what we have done and made me recalled all the positive moments during the NTU Flagship programme, I would like to thank Professor Martin and his friends for teaching us about digital painting, i have learnt a lot and i am sure i will put it to good use in the future. I will really miss the time at NTU and will remember it clearly for the rest of my life. Thank you SST and NTU for giving me the opportunity to learn all this new skills.

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